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Code Of Conduct

Your driver is charged with getting you where you want to go safely, comfortably and in good time. The driver’s word is final on anything to do with the driving and safety of the vehicle and passengers. 


You should always feel safe and welcome in a BlackCab taxi. 


Black Cab taxis are non smoking, vaping, eating and drinking spaces


If you’re the member who has ordered the taxi and you’re travelling with a group of friends, it is your responsibility to keep your group under control and adhere to the code of conduct.


Although friendly, your driver's concentration must be on driving, so conversations are casual and limited. We will stay well away from personal topics, political beliefs, religion and other potentially divisive conversations. 


Respect your driver and vehicle.  Aggressive, confrontational and harassing behaviour is not allowed. Don’t use language or make gestures that could be disrespectful or threatening. 


Damaging property is never allowed. Examples include damaging or tampering with the car; breaking or vandalising a phone or tablet; intentionally spilling food or drink; smoking in a car; or vomiting due to excessive alcohol consumption or otherwise. If you damage property, you will be held responsible for the cost of cleaning and repair fees, outside of normal wear and tear.

We don’t tolerate discriminatory conduct based on traits such as age, colour, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation

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